1. Microchurch Handbook (pdf)

    The Commonwealth microchurch handbook is a tool we use to train, develop, and empower people to start, lead, and multiply microchurches. It is an ever-evolving tool that reflects our community's collective learning. You can view the most recent version of our handbook above.

  2. Microchurch Night (mp3)

    We apologize for the low quality of this recording. We didn’t record with the intent of sharing this publicly but had enough people ask us for it along the way that we decided to go ahead and share what we have. At some point, we will rework and further develop this material in a more digestive and higher quality format but this is what we’ve got for now.


These videos were some of the first we threw together in the earliest days of Commonwealth. One of the first things you’ll notice is the exceptional production value. (Ha! We may be a little older now but we are still a pretty lean operation.) The second thing you’ll probably notice is that over the past few years we’ve shifted our language from missional communities to microchurches. The language may be different but the vision and mission are the same. We made the shift primarily because we believe the language of microchurch rightly emphasizes the truth that small Jesus-centered communities on mission together are more than just projects or ministries. They are the church.

  1. What is an MC? (YouTube)

    Let’s talk about what a missional community is and what a missional community is not

  2. Restaurants & Food Trucks (YouTube)

    Restaurants and food trucks are not a bad metaphor for talking about different models of church. One represents a very expensive risk, requiring paid professionals and a high failure rate. The other represents a less expensive, less risky, and more mobile way forward.

  3. Phase 1 (YouTube)

    Phase 1: Clarifying your dream and finding a team.

  4. Ecclesial Minimum (YouTube)

    Phase Two: Wherever you find these three ecclesial minimums - Worship, Community, and Mission - you find the church of Jesus.

  5. Three Environments (YouTube)

    One of the biggest mistakes that small groups make is trying to accomplish everything in one space. Microchurches, however, flourish when they intentionally exist in three spaces that move at the pace of relationship.

  6. Core Rhythms (YouTube)

    Let’s talk about what rhythms look like with your Core team.