As part of our biweekly all-family gatherings, we often carve out space to hear from our people and microchurches. These conversations typically include hearing what mission looks like for them in this season and what they are learning along the way. We have found this to be a valuable way to include as many voices as possible, to learn from one another, and to encourage one another to stay focused on partnering with God in what He is up to in our city and world. These are some of those conversations.


  1. MC Feature: CommonSoil (Podcast)

    May 2, 2023

  2. MC Feature: Nichols & Mims (Podcast)

    September 4, 2023

  3. Context & Calling with Ariel (Podcast)

    October 17, 2023

  4. Context & Calling with Tyler & Chastin (Podcast)

    October 31, 2023

  5. Context & Calling with Eli & Heather (Podcast)

    November 14, 2023

  6. Context & Calling with Mike & Brianna (Podcast)

    December 11, 2023

  7. MC Feature: CommonSoil (Podcast)

    February 26, 2024

  8. MC Feature: Nichols & Mims (Podcast)

    March 25, 2024